
Fox News' New Feminism: An Oxymoron for the Ages

9:30 PM

Dear Fox News,

I try not to respond to you, I really do, I really really really try not to let the things you say bother me... yet here I am. Writing to you, as no more than a means of expressing my absolute frustration. They're joking right, seems to be the commentary my mind keeps circulating...

Your recent guests -- Ann Marie Murrell, Dr. Gina Loudon, and Morgan Brittany -- said that they represent the "new" brand of feminism, a wave that unlike the contemporary feminist thought, is for "women who really want to be women, who want to be feminine, who want to be what God designed them to be."

Well, here I am: a woman of faith, a lover of pink (see this slice of the bloggisphere for details), a practitioner of relatively conventional femininity, a (critical) participant in many facets of American beauty culture, and a feminist.

Oh Fox News, I shake my head, I shake my head. These three co-authors of "What Women Really Want" accused the feminist movement of being irrelevant, of being one that cast women into the dark ages, of forcing us biologically female persons to take on male characteristics. We aren't about helping minds or hearts but instead about about politicizing the bodies of women "from the neck down"!

Well Fox, in reflecting, in shaking my head, I have to tell you what I REALLY want, and that is for Fox News to stop using big words it doesn't understand. #PleaseandThankYou

Murrell's opening line falls short: "We earned the right to vote, we have equality in the workplace, if we don't, we can fight that on a one-on-one basis..."

But, Annie Marie & Co., by telling women they have equality in the workplace, that individuals can fight battles one-on-one, you fail to recognize the challenges that women in society are still facing in the workplace, that challenges that aren't being won, the challenges that individually we may not even stand a chance in combatting. Challenges like maternity leave or disproportionate pay rates, challenges like sexual harassment...

Oh yea, you know sexual harassment. While you and your guests projected that it is the feminist movement responsible for the over-sexualization of women, your correspondents just a few days ago oh-so-easily affirmed the practice of catcalling... calling it "complimentary" even. I'd like to pose here then, that maybe it isn't us pesky feminists, maybe it's society, maybe it's you, that contributes to the sexualization of the female anatomy, to the objectification of it.

You told your viewers first, that sexual harassment is a compliment, and now "your" line of "feminism" tells them that's the way of the world and everything is just as it should be.

Then again, I think to myself, why would these women feel the need to fight against objectification, when they are so inundated by patriarchal manifesto that they don't even know that they themselves are seemingly objects.

These great crusaders, the "PolitiChicks," said that feminism wrongly over-sexualized women, and that the mainstream movement isn't at all about equality, or empowerment - it's just about sex. They said that we as a movement weren't concerned with hearts or minds, but merely the politicizing of women "from the neck down."

Well Fox, as it turns out my body "from the neck down" wouldn't mark so high on the feminist agenda if it wasn't, if it hadn't been, a token of conservative (and mostly male-drafted) legislation that has and has attempted to compromise my right to determine how crimes against my body (from the neck down) are addressed, my healthcare options (from the neck down), and my access to education about my body (from the neck down).

Calling us dang crazy liberal ladies (insert raised hand emoji here) "intolerant" of femininity, seems well, quite silly to my freshly manicured hands that tippy-type away at my computer keys, but more importantly seems to showcase another word your media group seems just not quite able to understand.

I'll try and help you out:

Intolerant: adjective. Not tolerant of views, beliefs, or behavior that differ from one's own.

Example: The Pink Politico is finding herself quite intolerant of the PolitiChicks definition of "feminism."

Example: Feminist tolerant of femininity; Fox Feminists are intolerant of feminists.

If by "over-sexualization" you were attempting to credit the feminist movement with the allowance of women to take ownership of their own bodies... well, I'd have to agree. Before feminism, the female body was a sex object, there for her husband's use, and not her own. Before feminism, "marry a doctor or a lawyer," gave call instead of "work hard and go to law school." Before feminism, everything from what women wore to where they went, were the determinant of another.

Feminism is about lifting ourselves and those around us up; it about equality, and advancement, it is about fighting against poverty and fight for education. Feminism is good for my heart, and my mind. Feminism makes me feel smart, and powerful, and capable, and yes, even beautiful -- and these things? These are the things I REALLY want.

Feministly yours,

Pink Politico

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  1. Wow. I am also intolerant of that video!! As always, your post make me think. :) I can't believe I hadn't heard of this yet (and kind of wish I hadn't haha).
