
I'm Not Angry, I'm Furious: An Open Letter to Well, Everyone

9:27 PM

Dear Everyone,

I am not an angry feminist. I am a furious one.

Today, Senate Republicans blocked the Bank on Students Emergency Loan Refinancing Act (Warren: D-MA).

For the most part I can validate banter on either side of the aisle, and for the most part I believe that opposing ideologies is healthy, and even necessary, to be truly efficient and productive.

But yet again, I turn to my Congressional leaders, and heave an angry  a furious sigh…

I'm furious that the federal government will turn a $66 BILLION profit off of my collegiate block's (2007-2012) federal student loans…

I'm furious that in the most privileged country in the world, equal access and quality of education is not only not  a priority but it's not even close to the agenda...

I'm furious that I am of a generation that has been called lazy and lethargic, and yet due to the financial burdens I face, incurred because of my decision to work hard and go to college, a burden that is 300% higher than those faced by students just 30 years ago… the dream of someday owning my own home, seems like just that: a dream. And so a live-in "lazy" millenial I'll continue to be, under my parents' roof while I wait out my debt.

Today was it for me. Today, right now, this minute, I am genuinely furious.

And in the wake of my fury I can not help but call to my political leaders with cries of anger and confusion:

I'm furious we have homeless and empty homes.

I'm furious that gun violence in schools is all too much a reality.

I'm furious that you fight for your religious freedoms yet fail to defend the same for others.


I'm furious that sex education is public schools doesn't have to be scientifically or medically accurate.

I'm furious that the glass ceiling still looms over my head.

I'm furious that 1 in 5 women will be (or already have been) sexually assaulted in her lifetime, and NO IT IS NOT A COVETED STATUS.

I'm furious that in my lifetime it is still more likely than not that I will be paid less than my male peers.


I'm furious that bodies are still too big and too smalll.

I'm furious that consent is still up for debate.

I'm furious that this post will be perceived as a temper tantrum simply because I am female and not as a call to urgency because I am a human being.

I'm furious that we fight harder for the voting rights of business than of people.

I'm furious that we are still a nation that sees color and not character.

I'm furious that more people aren't furious.

So there is it: my spitfire of grievances. And no, I won't calm down, or take a minute, or relax. I'm ticked-off, and as far as I can see it is this urgency that will get things done. It is my unsettled disposition that will empower my venture.

To my Congressional friends, this furious constituent is coming for ya: be it hell or high water, soapbox or social media. I'll be doing my job, and I'm (and will be) demanding that you start doing yours.


Pink Politico

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  1. This was awesome to read! Thank you for sharing. These grievances need to be voiced as much as possible for politicians to take action. They eventually HAVE to listen.
